Six Markers of the Postcolonial Destiny of the Refugee Convention of 1951
The Refugee Convention of 1951 has reached its seventieth year at a time when the rights of refugees are being increasingly eroded. The system
The Refugee Convention of 1951 has reached its seventieth year at a time when the rights of refugees are being increasingly eroded. The system
Along with the 1951 Convention, the definition of who qualifies as a refugee turns 70 this year. This blog post uses a queer theory lens
In 2021 and beyond, refugee resettlement remains an indispensable protection tool for refugees facing particular vulnerability in countries of (first) refuge. Alarmingly, the resettlement numbers
While many question the relevance of the 1951 Refugee Convention today, refugee protection in the EU has actually expanded in the past 30 years. In
2021 ist aus migrationshistorischer und völkerrechtlicher Sicht ein ambivalentes Gedenkjahr. Neben der in dieser Blogreihe erinnerten Gründung des UNHCR und der Unterzeichnung der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention
1969 entwickelte die OAU (Organisation für Afrikanische Einheit, heute die Afrikanische Union, AU) ihre eigene Flüchtlingskonvention, welche afrikanische Werte widerspiegeln sollte. Sie wurde am 10.
Although UNHCR has a mandatory duty to promote accession to the 1951 Refugee Convention, UNHCR appears to increasingly take the back seat when it comes
This blogpost complicates the received wisdom on the origins of the Additional Protocol of 1967. Following B.S. Chimni, I argue that the need for the
Although Indonesia has not signed the 1951 Refugee Convention and is deemed unlikely to do so in the near future for a number of reasons,
Die politische Aushandlung, Formulierung und Verabschiedung der Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention vor siebzig Jahren ging mit einer rassistisch gefärbten Modernisierungspolitik in Staaten des Globalen Südens einher, die