Der FluchtforschungsBlog ist Teil des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung, ein multidisziplinäres Netzwerk von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, die zu Flucht und Flüchtlingen forschen.
Blog series
In addition to individual posts, there are also thematic series on the Forced Migration Studies Blog, in which posts appear intermittently.
Current blog series:
- Externalisation of Refugee Protection: Perspectives from the Global South
- Migration Partnerships
- Active Refugee Admission Policies
- Refugee Research Against Myths
Past blog series:
- 70 Years of UNHCR and Refugee Convention (in cooperation with Völkerrechtsblog)
- Contributions on Afghanistan
- The consequences of COVID-19 for flight and refugees
- Participation and ownership in refugee situations
- European Refugee and Asylum Policies
- Flight and Gender
- Flight and Displacement in Africa
- Climate series (in cooperation with Völkerrechtsblog)