
Organizational structure of the network

In October 2018, the general assembly adopted the statute of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies, which define the goals, tasks, and organizational structure of the network:

Statute of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies

In 2020, the general assembly adopted election rules for the network:

Election Rules of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies

The last general assembly elected the following board for a period of 2 years.

Board Members

  • Dr. Christiane Fröhlich, 1st Chair
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause, 2nd Chair
  • Prof. Dr. Yaatsil Guevara González, Treasurer and Memberships
  • Dr. Lena Laube, Secretary
  • Dr. Franzisca Zanker, Equal Opportunities Officer
  • Dr. Natalie Welfens, Task Force International Networking
  • Simon Weiser, FluchtforschungsBlog / Forced Migration Studies Blog
  • Prof. Dr. Hannes Schammann, Conference Lead


Former members of the board/former organizing committee:

Dr. Marcus Engler (Blog, 2018-2024)
Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius (conference lead, 2020-2022)
Prof. Dr. Monika Gonser (Treasurer, 2018-2020)
Dr. Jörn Grävingholt (Secretary, 2022-2024)
Dr. J. Olaf Kleist (Organizing Committee; 1. Chair, 2013-2022)
Prof. Dr. Annette Korntheuer (Organizing Committee; Task Force International Networking, 2016-2022)
Prof. Dr. Nadia Kutscher (Conference Lead, 2018-2020)
Dr. Hamza Safouane (Equal Opportunities Officer, 2020-2022)
Dr. Miriam Schader (Secretary, 2018-2020)
Prof. Dr. Hannes Schammann (Secretary, 2020-2022)
Maarit Thiem (Conference Lead, 2022-2024)

Prof. Dr. Anna Lübbe (Organizing Committee, 2014-2015)
Prof. Dr. Nora Markard (Organizing Committee, 2013-2014)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Oltmer (Organizing Committee, 2013-2018)

Forced Migration Studies Blog 

About the Blog


Former editors-in-chief:

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause (2015-2023)
Dr. Marcus Engler (2018-2023)
Katharina Heilmann (2023-2024)

Conference Team

Conference 2026, University of Hildesheim, Organizer: Prof. Dr. Hannes Schammann

Conference 2024, Bonn University, Organizer: Maarit Thiem

Conference 2022, Chemnitz University of Technology, Organizer: Prof. Dr. Birgit Glorius

Conference 2020, University of Cologne; Organizer: Prof. Dr. Nadia Kutscher

Conference 2018: Center for Flight and Migration (ZFM), Catholic University of Eichstätt; Conference team.

Conference 2016: Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück; conference team.

Task Force International Networking

  • Michaela Bristol-Faulhammer, M.A., Institute of transformative social change, Saybrook University, Oakland California.
  • Adèle Garnier, PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Modern History, Politics and International Relations, Sydney, Australia
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Korntheuer, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
  • Dr. Michaela Schmidt, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, ETH Zurich Department of Architecture,
  • Dr. Natalie Welfens, M.A., Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research & Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam

Working Groups

The working groups in the German Network for Forced Migration Studies are each coordinated by members of the network. An overview with links to the working groups and their coordinators can be found here.