The Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, German Journal of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies (Z’Flucht) is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes academic works from diverse disciplines on questions related to forced migration and refugee studies. The journal is published twice a year by Nomos publishing house in association with the German Network for Forced Migration Research (Netzwerk Fluchtforschung e.V.) and the editors.
Z’Flucht provides a forum for exchange in the field of forced migration and refugee studies through empirical research, theoretical reflections and methodological discussions. By means of international, regional or national explorations, scholars may address questions related to the conditions, forms and consequences of forced migration and displacement, the protection of refugees and efforts towards durable solutions, such as return, (re)integration or resettlement. Moreover, refugees’ activities and strategies to cope with their experiences may be analysed. The journal includes all categories of people who have been forcibly displaced or who have fled from their homes due to violence, and the debates, discourses, practices, politics and concepts related to them. Since such topics can be explored from diverse perspectives, the journal places special emphasis on interdisciplinary discussions and comprises various disciplines, including law, sociology, history, politics, philosophy, ethnology, psychology, geography and economics, linguistics and literary studies.
As displacement and forced migration not only represent a growing field of research but also a broad political and practical area, this journal aims to promote exchange between academia and practice.
Z’Flucht publishes works in three categories: academic articles, forum articles as well as literature reviews and conference reports.
The journal predominantly publishes works in German, but studies written in English and French may also be considered.
Manuscripts which fall into the three aforementioned categories can be submitted via OJS: ZFlucht (
Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, The German Journal for Refugee Studies (Z’Flucht) is edited in association with the Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung (the German Refugee Research Network) by
Manuscripts, which fall into one of the following three categories of academic articles, forum articles, and literature reviews, can be submitted at any time to
Two versions of academic essays must be submitted: one anonymous version and one including the author’s name. Manuscripts, which have previously been published or are currently under review or consideration for publication, may not be submitted to Z’Flucht.
It is recommended that authors consult the style guidelines for layout and structure of their manuscripts.
Zeynep Aydar
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Universität Hildesheim
The Journal for Forced Migration and Refugee Research (Z’Flucht) has been closely associated with the Network for Forced Migration Studies since its foundation. We are therefore pleased to publish the new Call for Proposals for a special issue of Z’Flucht following the 5th conference of the NWFF in Bonn.
The deadline for submissions is January 13, 2025. The entire call can be found here:
ZFlucht Call for Proposals Themenheft 2025_final_EN_2709
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact at any time.