
Information for authors

The FluchtforschungsBlog (Forced Migration Studies Blog) is part of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies (Netzwerk Fluchtforschung e.V.), a multidisciplinary network of scholars who focus on refuge, asylum and forced migration.

Information for authors

You are interested in submitting a piece for the FluchtforschungsBlog? We are always interested in receiving new contributions and will be glad to help you in case questions arise.

Please note the following information for writing pieces for the blog.

Subjects and formats

Blog posts contribute to the multidisciplinary field of forced migration and refugee studies. Subjects addressed in pieces can be extremely diverse and include, among others, current developments, historical processes and political debates, as well as theoretical, methodological and ethical reflections related to forced migration. In addition, the blog is open for further formats such as interviews or book reviews.

Language, style and design

Please use a “catchy” title of up to 80 characters that captures the essence of your text. At the beginning, please include a short “teaser” (i.e. abstract) with three to four sentences about the core arguments of your text and add up to six tags or keywords.

Please use clear, precise and above all understandable language in your contribution. The readership of the FluchtforschungsBlog is broad, so that an analytical style as well as general comprehensibility are important. We recommend new authors to have a look at the pieces already published for an orientation.

Contributions can be written in German or English and should not exceed 12,000 characters (including spaces). Please use gender-sensitive language. Moreover, please structure your text clearly and insert subheadings for better readability. Longer quotations shoud be indented.

Please refer to literature by means of hyperlinks. Blog posts do not contain footnotes or bibliographies at the end.

In case your piece contains photos or graphics, respective copyright information must be included for all images.

Review of submissions

All pieces submitted are reviewed by the editorial team of the FluchtforschungsBlog to ensure quality. We read, comment and, if necessary, edit all contributions and try to provide feedback as soon as possible.

Prior to publication, the editorial team creates author profiles for which brief biographical information and a photo of the author are needed.

A parallel publication of contributions on other blogs or platforms is possible in case mutual references are included. If you are interested in such a parallel publication, please approach us.


Please contact us in case of questions or for submissions via blog[at]